Unlocking Skills and Opportunities: Education for a Changing Funds Sector

Monday, 20 May 2024

Unlocking Skills and Opportunities: Education for a Changing Funds Sector
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How IOB is supporting funds professionals to develop in-demand skills and expertise. 

As education partner for the funds sector, IOB is delighted to support the Irish Funds Conference. As funds professionals navigate ever-evolving changes in technology, regulation and client preferences, lifelong learning has never been more important to keep pace with this dynamic sector. 

Ireland’s highly educated workforce has been a key differentiator for our funds and asset management industry. When it comes to strengthening Ireland’s talent advantage, funds professionals need access to world-class professional development and learning opportunities. 

IOB works closely with the industry to identify skills gaps and shortages. Within a sector as diverse and dynamic as financial services, acute skills shortages can develop quickly – especially where there is competition with other sectors for in-demand talent. 

Responding to evolving industry needs 

Funds by IOB is our division dedicated to supporting professionals working in the funds and asset management industry. We support professionals at all stages of their career – from those looking to begin a career in the funds industry, to senior professionals looking to strengthen their skillset. 

We are constantly launching new education programmes, short courses and resources to help our members to gain the expertise and skills required to deliver financial services to the highest standards. 

We recently introduced a new Graduate Diploma in Investment Fund Services Management to our growing portfolio of programmes for funds professionals. From ESG, to Applied Alternative Investments, Capital Markets and much more – we offer a range of funds programmes at level 7, 8 and 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications.  

For those seeking a programme and pathway for continuous professional development, our Accredited Funds Professional (AFP) designation is a prestigious "badge of excellence" in the funds industry. The designation was launched to provide a world-class continuous professional development structure for those committed to delivering the highest standards across the industry.  

Our popular Professional Certificate for Designated Persons in a Fund Management Company was designed in consultation with Irish Funds and a variety of industry experts to support Designated Persons and or those who aspire to these roles.  

For senior leaders, both domestic and International executive management and non-executive directors, working in the industry, our Certified Investment Fund Director (CIFD) programme covers all key aspects of the value chain for funds and the key governance issues faced by fund directors.  

A community powered by learning 

IOB is first and foremost a community. We are proud to offer over 100 exclusive events, conferences and workshops for our network of over 33,200 members. The Funds by IOB team is passionate about developing events and masterclasses that allow members working in the funds sector to network and hear directly from industry experts and leaders on the latest emerging trends impacting the industry.   

Our masterclasses are conducted online and expand over a range of topics such as Liquidity Risk Management for Investment Funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Fund Distribution. These online sessions provide valuable insights into the latest trends impacting the landscape of the funds sector. One of the great benefits of online learning is that it makes IOB’s education offerings accessible to those living across Ireland.  

Skills Framework 

With the pace of change accelerating and big transformations still on the horizon, IOB is embarking on an important initiative that we believe will have a transformational impact on skills and talent development in the sector. 

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs recently released a new Report on Skills for Financial Services. The Report includes a recommendation to develop a world class skills framework for the Irish financial services industry, for which IOB has been selected as the implementation lead.  

Aligned to our vision for financial services skills transformation and our IOB 2030 – A Sustainable Future strategy, we look forward to leading this exciting industry-wide initiative and collaborating with stakeholders across financial services.  

The Framework will enable and empower financial services professionals to identify career paths within this dynamic sector – and provide clear guidance on the skills, competencies and qualifications that can support growth and development in the industry.  

We believe that the Framework will have a transformative impact on skills and talent development in financial services in Ireland and we look forward to collaborating with our many partners as we move ahead with this project. 

Join the IOB community 

When it comes to the big drivers of change within the funds sector, they all share a common dependency when it comes to advancing progress: skills.   

As technology advances, client preferences change and regulations evolve, learning is such a powerful way of adapting and keeping pace. Whether you are beginning your career in the funds sector or looking to strengthen your skillset, we are here to help.  


IOB is a recognised college of UCD. For more information on Funds by IOB and education programmes for funds professionals, visit IOB’s website. 


Please note that the articles in this newsletter are thought leadership pieces contributed by organisations and individuals aimed at sharing industry insights and ideas. Their inclusion in this newsletter is not an endorsement of the content therein.
