DP Forum - Fund Risk & Investment Management - 18 March 2021
Wednesday, 03 March 2021
As part of Irish Funds’ on-going initiatives to improve support for our asset manager members we are pleased to share details of Irish Fund’s first DP Forum. This is coupled with an ask for firms to provide the contact details of their current DPs, which will allow for more targeted communication with the wider DP community.
DP Forum:
This is the first in a new quarterly forum aimed at providing an open network to support Designated Persons within the Irish funds industry.
This forum is only for DPs, and their direct support staff, with responsibility for Fund Risk Management and Investment Management and will discuss areas relevant to the day to day role of these functions. A panel of speakers will provide insights on their roles, how the role has developed over time and the impacts of the CP 86 review across differing firm structures. Following this presentation there will be time for DPs to discuss industry related issues, so we would encourage active participation.
Collection of DP Contact Details:
We have created a short contacts template online, and we would encourage all members to complete this by COB Friday, 19 March. If you cannot access the online template please let us know and we can share via email. Please note that all details will be treated as highly confidentially and will not be shared. Irish Funds appreciates your co-operation and assistance in completing this. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Conor Kilroy or Kieran Fox.
Please email events@irishfunds.ie for more information on collection of DP contact details and registration.